Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: 10/12
Hawaii Daily COVID-19 update of coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Monday, October 12, 2020 in the Aloha State.
Office of the Governor:
Free Meal Program Extended for Students at 203 Hawai‘i Dept. of Education Schools
Hawai‘i DOE’s free Grab-and-Go meal program is being extended for students at 203 schools from today through Dec. 18, 2020. The announcement comes after the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture announced it would extend funding for its Summer Food Service Program. Hawai‘i’s First Lady Dawn Ige said, “Parents left unemployed or underemployed due to COVID-19 may be faced with significant shortfalls to the family budget. Getting free breakfast and lunch for their children at school can make a big difference. We intend to make full use of these federal funds to provide healthy meal options for local families through the Grab-and-Go meal program.”
The Grab-and-Go program offers any student, ages 18 or younger, nutritious meals for breakfast and lunch. All parents or guardians need to do is pick up the meals curbside to take home. Through the spring and summer, the State prepared close to 1.3 million meals for students, and it expects to see the same level of participation through the fall as most students are learning from home this semester. Free breakfast and lunch meals can be picked up during lunchtime from any of the 203 participating Hawai‘i DOE schools. Please contact your school for specific times. A list of those schools and verification documents needed can be found online at www.ainapono.org/grabandgo. To view more:
Department of Health:
42 COVID-19 Cases Reported Today
Forty-two (42) new COVID-19 cases were reported Monday, with the bulk of the cases, 37, in Honolulu. Five (5) were reported on Hawai‘i Island. No new deaths were reported.
Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 12:00 noon, Oct. 12, 2020
Island of Diagnosis | New Cases | Reported since 2/28/2020 (including new cases) |
O‘ahu | 37 | 12,068 |
Hawai‘i | 5 | 953 |
Maui | 0 | 378 |
Kaua‘i | 0 | 59 |
Moloka‘i | 0 | 19 |
Lānaʻi | 0 | 0 |
HI residents diagnosed outside of HI | 0 | 37 |
Total Cases | 42 | 13,514 |
Deaths | 0 | 169 |
Hospitalization count as of 10/9/20 at 2:25 pm: 9-Hawai‘i, 1-Maui, 93-O‘ahu, 0-Kaua‘i
7-Day Averages
Daily New Cases (change from previous day) | % Lab Positive (change from previous day | |
Statewide | 96 (+5) | 2.8% (+0.1) |
O‘ahu | 76 (+4) | 3.7% (+0.2) |
Hawai‘i | 20 (+2) | 2.7% (0.0) |
Kaua’i | 0 (+0) | 0.0% (+0.0) |
Maui | 0 (-1) | 0.1% (-0.1) |
*Metrics reflect information updated as of noon the previous day. Case counts are calculated based on date of report. Percent positivity is calculated based on date of lab result.
Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 12:00 noon, Oct. 11, 2020
On Sunday, one (1) additional COVID-19 death was reported by DOH. It involved a male over the age of 80 who had underlying conditions and had been hospitalized at the time of his death.
Island of Diagnosis | New Cases | Reported since 2/28/2020 (including new cases) |
O‘ahu | 79 | 12,031 |
Hawai‘i | 24 | 948 |
Maui | 0 | 378 |
Kaua‘i | 0 | 59 |
Moloka‘i | 0 | 19 |
Lānaʻi | 0 | 0 |
HI residents diagnosed outside of HI | 0 | 37 |
Total Cases | 103 | 13,472++ |
Deaths | 1 | 169 |
++As a result of updated information, two cases from O‘ahu were removed from the counts.
7-Day Averages
Daily New Cases (change from previous day) | % Lab Positive (change from previous day | |
Statewide | 91 (-9) | 2.7% (+0.0) |
O‘ahu | 72 (-4) | 3.5% (+0.2) |
Hawai‘i | 18 (-5) | 2.7% (-0.3) |
Kaua’i | 0 (+0) | 0.0% (+0.0) |
Maui | 1 (+0) | 0.2% (-0.1) |
*Metrics reflect information updated as of noon the previous day. Case counts are calculated based on date of report. Percent positivity is calculated based on date of lab result.
Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 12:00 noon, Oct. 10, 2020
On Saturday, two (2) additional COVID-19 deaths were reported by DOH. Both were from Honolulu. One was a female between the ages of 50-59, who had no underlying health conditions and died at home. The other was a male between the ages of 70-79, who did have underlying conditions and was hospitalized at the time of his death.
Island of Diagnosis | New Cases | Reported since 2/28/2020 (including new cases) |
O‘ahu | 59 | 11,954 |
Hawai‘i | 14 | 924 |
Maui | 0 | 378 |
Kaua‘i | 0 | 59 |
Moloka‘i | 0 | 19 |
Lānaʻi | 0 | 0 |
HI residents diagnosed outside of HI | 0 | 37 |
Total Cases | 73 | 13,371++ |
Deaths | 2 | 168 |
++As a result of updated information, one case from Hawai‘i and one case from O‘ahu were removed from the counts.
7-Day Averages
Daily New Cases (change from previous day) | % Lab Positive (change from previous day | |
Statewide | 100 (+10) | 2.7% (+0.2) |
O‘ahu | 76 (+5) | 3.3% (+0.2) |
Hawai‘i | 23 (+5) | 3.0% (+0.3) |
Kaua’i | 0 (+0) | 0.0% (+0.0) |
Maui | 1 (+0) | 0.3% (+0.0) |
*Metrics reflect information updated as of noon the previous day. Case counts are calculated based on date of report. Percent positivity is calculated based on date of lab result.

Department of Public Safety:
Three Additional Saguaro Inmates Test Positive, Weekend Inmate Testing Totals
PSD has been notified that three (3) Hawai‘i inmates at the Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, Arizona tested positive for COVID-19. The first positive inmate case was confirmed on Friday. The three (3) were awaiting their test results which were received today. The four (4) inmates are being medically isolated. A total of 262 Hawai‘i inmates in three (3) housing pods were placed on a precautionary 14-day quarantine. Saguaro nursing staff are doing daily temperature checks and monitoring the inmates for symptoms. No other Hawai‘i inmates at Saguaro have tested positive for COVID.
Meanwhile, a Women’s Community Correctional Center (WCCC) employee has reported a positive test result. The employee last worked on Friday, Oct. 9. No WCCC inmates have reported symptoms. PSD is working with DOH on contact tracing. The facility staff sanitized the spaces where the employee worked.
PSD’s Health Care Division is working with DOH, the Hawai‘i National Guard, and community partners to conduct mass testing for COVID-19 at all correctional facilities statewide. The Maui Community Correctional Center received 29 more negative staff results over the weekend. The Kaua‘i Community Correctional Center began their inmate testing this week. Halawa Correctional Facility, Waiawa Correctional Facility, and WCCC have concluded their broad-based testing of staff and inmates. There were no inmates with confirmed active COVID-19 test results at these facilities.
DOH testing of OCCC inmates is ongoing. No new test results were received today. Over the weekend 46 inmate test results were received. Of the 46 results, three (3) were positive and 43 were negative. There are no inmates hospitalized. The number of inmates who have recovered jumped from 359 to 382. All 42 OCCC staff results received over the weekend were negative. The total number of PSD staff who have recovered and returned to work increased to 100. Information on PSD’s planning and response to COVID-19 can be found at:
Hawai‘i House of Representatives:
House Select Committee Meets to Discuss Pre-Travel Testing, Rental Property Reports
The House Select Committee on COVID-19 Economic and Financial Preparedness held an informational briefing today to discuss the governor’s emergency proclamation regarding pre-travel testing, which launches on Thursday, Oct. 15, as well as a new University of Hawai‘i Economic Research Organization (UHERO) Survey that details the impacts COVID-19 has had on Hawai‘i’s rental properties. According to the survey, Hawai‘i’s GDP fell by 40-percent, and researchers don’t expect that number to lift until travel resumes. Briefings are still being held online in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. To watch them:
Helpful Resources
COVID-19 Tables, Charts, and Visualizations
Safe Travels Information (Frequently Asked Questions)
Trans-Pacific Passenger Arrivals Statistics
Kaua‘i County
Kaua‘i COVID-19 webpage: https://www.kauai.gov/COVID-19
To report violators: https://www.kauai.gov/KPD-Online-Reporting
Maui County
Maui County mandatory travel declaration form and request for limited quarantine form:
To report violators: (808) 244-6400 or [email protected]
Hawai‘i County
Hawai‘i County COVID-19 webpage:
Critical infrastructure and medical travel request: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/e2f4ce19aa854964a8fd60bec7fbe78c
To report violators: 808-935-3311
City & County of Honolulu
Honolulu COVID-19 webpage: oneoahu.org
Interisland passengers arriving on O‘ahu are not subject to the mandatory quarantine.
To report violators:808-723-3900 or [email protected]
Previous Hawaii Daily COVID-19 information