Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: 12/16
Hawaii Daily COVID-19 update of coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Wednesday, December 16, 2020 in the Aloha State.
Department of Health:

Four New Deaths on O‘ahu and 110 New COVID-19 Cases Reported Statewide
DOH is reporting four (4) additional COVID-19 deaths today. Three are men in the age groups listed below and all had been hospitalized with underlying conditions. A woman, 80-90-years old was the 4th person counted today and also had underlying conditions when she passed away in the hospital.
- 30-39 yrs.
- 40-49 yrs.
- 60-69 yrs.
110 additional coronavirus cases were reported today. This report includes cases up until Monday at 11:59 p.m. Full data is posted on the State COVID-19 dashboard and on the DOH Disease Outbreak & Control website at noon each day. hawaiicovid19.com/dashboard
Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 11:59 p.m. Dec. 14, 2020
Island of Diagnosis | New Cases | Reported since 2/28/2020 (including new cases) |
O‘ahu | 85 | 16,543 |
Hawai‘i | 5 | 1,748 |
Maui | 14 | 728 |
Kaua‘i | 0 | 134 |
Moloka‘i | 0 | 22 |
Lānaʻi | 0 | 106 |
HI residents diagnosed outside of HI | 6 | 309 |
Total Cases | 110 | 19,590 |
Deaths | 4 | 278 |
Hospitalizations as of 12:00 p.m. on Dec. 15, 2020 – Hawai‘i-3, Maui-4, O‘ahu-53, Kaua’i‘-0
Another 3,900 Doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Arrive Today
DOH first received the shipment shortly after it was flown to Honolulu. Then this precious cargo was distributed to Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women and Children, Straub Medical Center, Pali Momi Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente, Queen’s Medical Center West O‘ahu and the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center. These medical facilities will administer the vaccines to their employees and other health care workers in their communities. This shipment represents the balance of the 4,875 doses in Hawai‘i’s prepositioning order.
DOH has requested an additional 7,800 doses of the vaccine. Delivery of that order is expected next week. DOH is optimistic it will receive 45,825 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine before the end of the year. DOH has placed a prepositioning order of 12,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine. Shipment is subject to the FDA issuing the emergency use authorization. As many as 36,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine could arrive yet this year if it receives federal authorization.
“These vaccines will be tremendously important to our recovery. Their delivery is significant and our partnerships with the Healthcare Association of Hawaii, hospitals state-wide, and the counties have cleared the way for efficient distribution of these first shipments and future supplies of vaccine,” said Health Director Dr. Elizabeth Char. Read the entire news release here:

Vaccine Arriving at Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women and Children

Unpacking Vaccine at Kaiser Permanente

Healthcare Association of Hawai‘i:
COVID-19 Holiday Messaging
As we enter the holiday season during these unprecedented times, we want everyone to celebrate in a safe way. Prevention is very important in order to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Here’s another holiday health message from HAH. Please encourage everyone to keep their gatherings small over the holidays, and to practice COVID safety measures such as masking up, social distancing, and not sharing utensils. Messages are available in 16 languages at: www.hah.org

Department of Public Safety:
98% of Saguaro Inmates Clear of COVID-19, Inmate and Staff Testing Continues
Ninety-eight percent (98%) of the Hawai‘i inmate population at the Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, AZ are clear of COVID-19 as of today. Of the 27 active positive inmates, 24 are considered ‘recovered.’ That brings the current active positive count, down to four (4) inmates, including three (3) in the hospital. There are five (5) inmates pending test results.

Surge testing of inmates and staff at facilities statewide is ongoing. The Halawa Correctional Facility reports 105 new test results. Of that number, nine (9) were positive and 96 were negative. The inmate active positive total is 177 and the staff positive count remains unchanged at 33. The O‘ahu Community Correctional Center (OCCC) reported 43 negative inmate test results and 10 negative staff results. There are only three (3) active positive inmates at OCCC. For more information on PSD’s planning and response efforts to COVID-19:
Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority:
7,249 Passengers Arrive on Tuesday
Yesterday, a total of 7,249 people arrived in Hawai‘i from out of state. A total of 3,031 people indicated they came to Hawai‘i for vacation. There were also 1,193 returning residents. The trans-pacific passenger arrival data is derived from data provided by the Safe Travels digital system.

To view more: https://www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/covid-19-updates/trans-pacific-passenger-arrivals/
Helpful Resources

Trusted Testing and Travel Partners:
The state of Hawai‘i only accepts Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) from a certified Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) lab test results from Trusted Testing and Travel Partners. For the full list of domestic trans-Pacific, inter-county, international and airline partners or information on how to become a Trusted Testing Partner, go to:
Safe Travels Hawai‘i Program:
Program overview: https://hawaiicovid19.com/travel/
FAQs: https://hawaiicovid19.com/travel/faqs/
Email: [email protected]
Call Center Number: 1-800-GO-HAWAII
COVID-19 Expanded Dashboard (Tables, Charts, and Visualizations):
Safe Travels Digital Platform:
Trans-Pacific Passenger Arrivals Statistics:
Kaua‘i County:
Kaua‘i COVID-19 webpage: https://www.kauai.gov/COVID-19
To report violators: https://www.kauai.gov/KPD-Online-Reporting
Rest, Test, Enjoy! Voluntary visitor post-travel test: https://www.kauai.gov/visitorposttest
Resident post-travel test: https://www.kauai.gov/residentposttest
Maui County:
Maui County travel and COVID-19 information:
To report violators: (808) 244-6400 or [email protected]
Hawai‘i County:
Hawai‘i County COVID-19 webpage:
Critical infrastructure and medical travel request: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/e2f4ce19aa854964a8fd60bec7fbe78c
To report violators: 808-935-3311
City & County of Honolulu:
Honolulu COVID-19 webpage: oneoahu.org
Interisland passengers arriving on O‘ahu are not subject to the mandatory quarantine.
To report violators: 808-723-3900 or [email protected]
Previous Hawaii Daily COVID-19 information