Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: 2/23
Hawaii Daily COVID-19 update of coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Tuesday, February 23, 2021 in the Aloha State.
Governor’s Office:
One Down, One to Go for Governor, First Lady, Cabinet & Staff
Gov. Ige and First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige received their first COVID-19 vaccinations at Washington Place Monday afternoon. They were joined by about 65 cabinet and staff members.
Gov. Ige had delayed his vaccination because of the shortage of vaccines arriving in Hawai‘i. “I felt there was an urgent need to get nursing home residents, our kupuna 75 years and older, healthcare professionals, teachers and other essential workers vaccinated first. I urge Hawai‘i residents to get vaccinated when it’s your turn, and to continue wearing your mask, physically distancing and washing your hands often,” said Gov. Ige.
The governor, first lady, cabinet and staff received the Moderna vaccine and are scheduled for their second dose in late March. The state Department of Health and its community partners administered the vaccinations which are covered by federal CARES Act funds.

Department of Health:

Daily Preliminary Vaccine Administration Updates
The chart below will be included in the Daily News Digest, Monday-Friday. A weekly summary is included each Wednesday.

47 New COVID-19 Cases Reported
DOH reports 47 new cases of coronavirus today. The department reported no additional deaths.
This report includes cases up until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Full data is posted on the State COVID-19 dashboard and on the DOH Disease Outbreak & Control Division website daily: hawaiicovid19.com/dashboard.
Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 11:59 p.m. Feb. 21, 2021
Island of Diagnosis | New Cases | Reported since 2/28/2020 (including new cases) |
O‘ahu | 27 | 21,829 |
Hawai‘i | 0 | 2,234 |
Maui | 17 | 2,071 |
Kaua‘i | 0 | 181 |
Moloka‘i | 0 | 27 |
Lānaʻi | 0 | 108 |
HI residents diagnosed outside of HI | 3 | 820 |
Total Cases | 47 | 27,270 |
Deaths | 0 | 431 |
Hospitalizations as of 8:30 a.m. on 2/22/21 – Hawai‘i-2, Maui-7, O‘ahu-28, Kauaʻi-0
Department of Public Safety:
Statewide Inmate Testing Continues
COVID-19 testing is continuously being conducted statewide at all facilities. MCCC reported 24 inmate test results. Of that number, two (2) were positive and 22 were negative. That brings the total active inmate cases to 26. MCCC also reported 27 negative staff results. All other correctional facility inmate populations remain clear of the virus. The O‘ahu Community Correctional Center (OCCC) reports 33 negative inmate test results. For more information on PSD’s planning and response efforts to COVID-19:
Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority:
10,140 Passengers Arrive on Monday
Yesterday, a total of 10,140 people arrived in Hawai‘i from out of state. A total 5,379 people indicated they came to Hawai‘i for vacation. There were also 1,598 returning residents. The trans-Pacific passenger arrival data is derived from data provided by the Safe Travels digital system.

To view more: https://www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/covid-19-updates/trans-pacific-passenger-arrivals/
Helpful Resources
Trusted Testing and Travel Partners:
The state of Hawai‘i only accepts Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) from a certified Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) lab test results from Trusted Testing and Travel Partners. For the full list of domestic trans-Pacific, inter-county, international and airline partners or information on how to become a Trusted Testing Partner, go to:
Safe Travels Hawai‘i Program:
Program overview: https://hawaiicovid19.com/travel/
FAQs: https://hawaiicovid19.com/travel/faqs/
Email: [email protected]
Call Center Number: 1-800-GO-HAWAII
COVID-19 Vaccine Status in Hawai‘i and FAQs:
Vaccine Call Center: 808-586-8332
COVID-19 Expanded Dashboard (Tables, Charts, and Visualizations):
Safe Travels Digital Platform:
Kaua‘i County:
Kaua‘i COVID-19 webpage: https://www.kauai.gov/COVID-19
To report violators: https://www.kauai.gov/KPD-Online-Reporting
Vaccine Information: https://www.kauai.gov/vaccine
Maui County:
Maui County travel and COVID-19 information: https://www.mauicounty.gov
To report violators: (808) 244-6400 or [email protected]
Hawai‘i County:
Hawai‘i County COVID-19 webpage:
Critical infrastructure and medical travel request: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/e2f4ce19aa854964a8fd60bec7fbe78c
To report violators: 808-935-3311
City & County of Honolulu:
Honolulu COVID-19 webpage: oneoahu.org
COVID-19 Vaccine Information: http://www.oneoahu.org/vaccine
Interisland passengers arriving on O‘ahu are not subject to the mandatory quarantine.
To report violators: 808-723-3900 or [email protected]
Previous Hawaii Daily COVID-19 information