Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: 2 Succumb to Coronavirus
Hawaii Daily COVID-19 update of coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Monday, August 24, 2020 in the Aloha State.
Department of Health:
Two More Deaths and 169 New Cases of COVID-19
Two O‘ahu residents, one man and one woman, both over 80-years old, and both with underlying medical conditions are the 48th and 49th victims of COVID-19. The entire state expresses their sorrow and condolences to the family and friends of the latest people to pass from this disease. DOH reports 169 new cases of coronavirus today, with 149 of them in adults and 20 in minors (18-years-old or younger). Two of the cases are non-Hawai‘i residents, ten are unknown and the remaining 157 are residents. The median number of cases per day for the week of August 16-22, 2020 is 222.
Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 12:00 noon, August 20, 2020
Island of Diagnosis | New Cases | Reported since 2/28/2020 (including new cases) |
O‘ahu | 150 | 6,181 |
Hawai‘i | 9 | 209 |
Maui | 10 | 297 |
Kauai | 0 | 56 |
Moloka‘i | 0 | 3 |
Lana‘i | 0 | 0 |
HI residents diagnosed outside of HI | 0 | 23 |
Total Cases | 169 | 6,769 |
Deaths | 2 | 49 |
Hospitalization count as of 8/21/20 at 5:30 pm: 8-Hawai‘i, 0-Maui, 213-O‘ahu, 4-Kaua‘i
Laboratory* Testing Data
There were 9,666 additional COVID-19 tests reported via electronic laboratory reporting, since the last Daily News Digest Report on August 20, 2020.
Total Number of Individuals Tested by Clinical and State Laboratories | Positive | Negative |
180,850** | 6,769 | 174,051 |
*Electronic Laboratory Reporting **30 test results were inconclusive

For more tables, charts and visualizations visit the DOH Disease Outbreak Control Division:https://health.hawaii.gov/coronavirusdisease2019/what-you-should-know/current-situation-in-hawaii
Hawai‘i State Judiciary:
Hale Ho‘omalu Youth Tests Positive for COVID-19
An asymptomatic juvenile recently admitted to the Hale Ho‘omalu Juvenile Detention Facility has posted positive for COVID-19. The announcement was made yesterday afternoon. It’s the first confirmed case of a juvenile testing positive at this facility, which is located next to the Kapolei Judiciary Complex. Prior to this, four judiciary employees – three on O‘ahu and one on Hawai‘i island – had tested positive. The juvenile was admitted to Hale Ho‘omalu on Aug. 16 and immediately placed in 14-day quarantine, which is standard procedure at the facility. The youth was moved to the medical isolation unit and tested on Aug. 19 after learning that a household member had tested positive. A positive test result for the youth was confirmed on Saturday.
The youth has been in quarantine since arrival and has had no contact with other juvenile residents and no close prolonged contact with non-medical staff. Therefore, DOH has advised the Judiciary that no additional testing is recommended at this time. Nevertheless, staff who may have had brief or socially distant contact with the youth are being notified and advised to contact their health providers if they have concerns. Hale Ho‘omalu has an emergency operations plan and followed its protocols in response to this situation. The medical and administrative staff will continue to confer with DOH regarding any additional actions needed.
Hale Ho‘omalu currently houses 13 other youths, male and female. They are housed in individual cells. Their normal activities such as schoolwork, religious services, and television viewing are still available, but they cannot have close prolonged contact with one another or the staff. The youths have been wearing face masks. The facility houses young people needing temporary care and protection while going through the criminal justice process.
Department of Transportation:
Temperature Screening Equipment Installed at Five of Hawai‘i’s Busiest Airports
DOT has announced that phase two of the new thermal temperature screening equipment installation was completed Aug. 20 at Hawai‘i’s five airports that accept trans-Pacific flights. A total of 133 cameras statewide are operational and available to detect people with a body temperature of 100.4 degrees and above. The equipment is now installed at all gates and departure security checkpoints at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL), Kahului Airport (OGG), Lihue Airport (LIH), Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keahole (KOA) and Hilo International Airport (ITO).
HDOT and the NEC team, including NEC Corporation and NEC Corporation of America, have completed phases one and two of the project. Phase one installed 36 cameras and equipment at the gates currently in use for trans-Pacific flights. Phase two installed 97 more cameras and equipment at all remaining gates and departure security checkpoints. Not all gates are currently in use due to lower than normal flight volume; however, the equipment is ready and available when the gates return to use. Phase three will add the facial imaging technology and is scheduled to be completed by Dec. 31, 2020.
The NEC team, which also includes Infrared Camera, Inc., Data House Consulting, Inc., Communication Consulting Services, Inc., and Wasa Electric Services, Inc., is proud to utilize the skills of Hawaiʻi’s workforce with approximately 90 percent of the employees being local residents.
Hawai‘i Tourism Authority:
1,854 Passengers Arrive on Sunday
Yesterday, a total of 1,854 people arrived in Hawai‘i including 390 visitors and 738 returning residents. There was a total of 33 arriving flights. This table shows the number of people who arrived by air from out of state yesterday but does not show interisland travel.
Crew | 16 | 26 | 123 | 7 | 172 |
Transit | 166 | 166 | |||
Military | 80 | 80 | |||
Exempt | 207 | 207 | |||
Relocate to Hawai‘i | 5 | 15 | 78 | 3 | 101 |
Returning Resident | 43 | 53 | 632 | 10 | 738 |
Visitor | 36 | 23 | 320 | 11 | 390 |
GRAND TOTAL | 100 | 117 | 1,606 | 31 | 1,854 |
Flights | 5 | 4 | 23 | 1 | 33 |
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