Killing of Children and Kidnapping is a Crime – also in Hawaii

Hawaii is the place where America goes on vacation. Many argue, that Hawaii is the most peaceful and laid-back state in the country, with its unique history of the Hawaiian Kingdom still alive, and a paradise on earth.

On the other side of the world, by the blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, a brutal war is ongoing between Israel and Gaza.

This is not what most visitors in Hawaii want to think about, but it caught up was a reality on the shores of the blue Pacific Ocean, Mai Tai Cocktails, and Surfers catching a wave on Waikiki Beach last Sunday.

Planes to Hawaii remain full, while air demand worldwide, and specifically to the Middle East went down tremendously.

The Gaza – Israel war caught up in Paradise

The local media hardly covered the confrontation in Waikiki on Kalakaua Avenue with the two towers of the Hyatt Regency in the background.

The Jewish Community in Hawaii

Hawaii has between 8,000 to 10,000 Jewish residents, or 0.5% of the state’s population.

Well organized, protesters from this community on Oahu were waving Israeli flags on one side of the sidewalk and met a much larger crowd waving Palestinian flags standing on the other side of the same sidewalk yelling:

We are all Palestinians today

Both groups brought loudspeakers and at times yelled at each other, but with Honolulu Police Department Officers directing everyone not to stand, but to walk, the protest was peaceful.

Protecting with Aloha is the mission of HPD – and it showed on Sunday.

Some members of the opposing groups were seen meeting with each other, having firm discussions, but there was no violence, no death – it was a peaceful protest as it is guaranteed by the U.S. First Amendment that guarantees the right to freedom of speech.

Summarizing common grounds:

Kidnapping and Killing of Children is a Crime.

Gaza and Israel in Hawaii

Bring them home

A little further on the Queens Beach part of Waikiki Beach, Israeli supporters displayed a gallery of photos of all the people who were kidnapped in Israel by Hamas on October 7. There were plenty of teddy bears for the children.

Teddy Bears for Israel, Teddy Bears for Gaza

There were even more teddy bears in Waikiki for the children killed on Gaza’s streets and hospitals by the Israel Defense Forces in retaliation to the kidnapping of Israeli children.

Protesters on the Oceanside of Kalakaua Avenue showing Palestinian flags yelled, met by protesters waiving giant Israeli flags responding:

  1. Stop killing children, stop killing babies, and stop attacking hospitals.
  2. Israeli supporters responded: Bring our Children Home

SOURCE: Killing of Children and Kidnapping is a Crime – also in Hawaii

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