Oahu Pedestrian Plan Open for Public Comment
The City and County of Honolulu’s Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is excited to publish the Draft Pedestrian Priority Network, which will play a large role in the development of the first ever Oahu Pedestrian Plan, and requests comments and input from the public.
The Oahu Pedestrian Plan is a long-term action plan to create vibrant, safe, and accessible streets to enable those of all ages and abilities to get around safely and comfortably by walking. The Pedestrian Priority Network consists of the City and County of Honolulu streets that provide important pedestrian connections to transit, schools, employment and commercial centers, and other major destinations. The network will be used as the basis for identifying where pedestrian infrastructure improvements are most needed.
Public input continues to play a huge role in shaping the Oahu Pedestrian Plan, providing valuable information on pedestrian issues, needs, and priorities for the communities around the island. DTS is asking for public input on the Draft Pedestrian Priority Network starting now until Monday, July 6, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. Please visit http://www.honolulu.gov/completestreets/pedplan to submit any comments. The public may also contact Daniel Alexander at daniel.alexander@honolulu.gov or 808-768-6652 for any additional information or comments.