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Hawaii News 

Governor Ige: “We face a challenging future”

Governor Ige today urged to keep Hawaii safe from the virus and financially sound. He praised the Hawaiian people, noting that due to their discipline, Hawaii still has the lowest number cases of COVID-19 and the lowest number of fatalities in the nation. Hospitals are in good shape, with only 120 out of 244 Intensive Care beds used. Only 3 out of the 120 used are COVID-19 cases. Hawaii has 53... Read More
Hawaii News 

Honolulu Park Staff in Waipahu tested positive for COVID-19

Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell and the City and County of Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) wish to inform the community that a park staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. The positive test result was reported this weekend for a member of our DPR staff working at Hō‘ae‘ae Community Park in the Village Park neighborhood of Waipahū. That park is a Summer Fun site. This particular staff member had... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii may remain closed to Mainland Visitors

Hawaii is getting ready to open up for US mainland tourism on August 1. It appears that arrival numbers are already steadily going up, even though the quarantine order for Hawaii is still in place until July 31. Today 2,424 people arrived at Hawaii airports, including tourists and returning residents. Will all 2,424 passengers really observe a 2-week mandatory quarantine order? Judging by the number of people at Waikiki Beach, this... Read More
kamaainas Hawaii News 

Bus driver in Honolulu sick with COVID-19: What it means for tourism?

It took almost a week for a driver working for Oahu's public bus system known as "TheBus" to be tested for COVID-19 after he started feeling sick on Monday. When he was tested on Friday he was tested positive for Coronavirus.  Drivers are instructed to report to HR managers when feeling ill immediately. TheBus driver kept operating his one route all week for 8-9 hours a day, and  his test results... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Hawaii News 

Coronavirus in Hawaii turned deadly questioning the reopening of tourism

Earlier this week Governor David Ige announced the reopening of the State for everyone for tourism On Friday he had to send his condolences to the family and friends of an elderly Honolulu man, who became the 18th death in Hawai‘i due to the coronavirus. The last reported death was on May 3. Hawaii House Representative Rida Cabanilla Arakawa told Hawaii News Online, she is concerned about reopening tourism in the Aloha State... Read More
Hawaii News 

Many Hawaii residents say no need to follow COVID-19 guidelines

An increasing number of Hawai‘i residents no longer see COVID-19 as much of a threat as they did in the earlier stages of the pandemic, according to a follow-up survey commissioned by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health (DOH). The number of respondents who view the virus as a “very serious” health concern has fallen from 73% to 54% in less than two months. The initial survey was conducted from April... Read More

Guam says no again to tourism after announcing opening

While Hawaii is getting ready to completely open up foreign and domestic travel, the US territory Guam reversed the same plans and just released an urgent statement. Prioritizing the safety of island residents and travelers, the Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) has announced that the reopening of travel on July 1, 2020, into Guam for the countries of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan has been postponed until further notice. “As a result... Read More
Honolulu Storm Water Quality Branch sponsors virtual world oceans day celebration Hawaii News 

Hawaii Travel Rules for Trans-Pacific Travel Beginning August 1

Gov. David Ige announced today all travelers arriving in Hawai‘i  from out-of-state will be required to get a valid COVID-19 test prior to their arrival, and to show proof of a negative test result, to avoid the 14-day quarantine. The pre-travel testing program begins Aug. 1. Out-of-state travelers arriving in Hawai‘i must get a PCR test prior to arrival from any testing location approved by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health. Evidence... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Visitors will come to Hawaii again starting August 1

No more travel bubbles with certain low rates as a corona destination is the plan now for Hawaii. Governor Ige announced today at a press conference at Honolulu International Airport that the State of Hawaii will be ready to welcome visitors from all regions back to the Aloha State as of August 1, 2020. Most Federal financial assistance is coming to an end on July 31, and there is no choice... Read More
Hawaii News 

Long-term benefits of temporary quarantine and isolation cente

In its first two months of operation, the state’s first temporary quarantine and isolation center at 524 Kaaahi Street in Iwilei has provided a place for more than 50 homeless individuals who have COVID-19 symptoms to safely isolate or be quarantined while they wait for their COVID-19 test results. As a result, the center has been able to free up hospital space to improve care capacity, save on medical costs, and... Read More
Honolulu Storm Water Quality Branch sponsors virtual world oceans day celebration Hawaii Tourism News 

Senator Schatz’ Secret on Reopening the Hawaii Visitors Industry

US Senator Schatz confirmed today in a Facebook Q&A that Hawaii could learn from new record increases of the virus in warmer climate states. The Senator also confirmed Hawaii as an island is in a better position to protect itself from bringing the virus in, but at the same time, he made sure not to blame tourists for the slow but sudden increase in his home state. An island state like... Read More
kamaainas Hawaii Tourism News 

Eggs and Things means breakfast again in Honolulu

Eggs 'n Things is a popular eatery for both locals and tourists, offers quality delicacies and dishes that they're proud to serve in the spirit of Aloha. When you think about Eggs and Things , and you're from Oahu or Guam, you think about a great breakfast. My favorite is the Ham and Egg Omelet with fresh Strawberry Pancakes. I won't mention whip cream. Restaurants on Oahu were allowed to open... Read More
kamaainas Hawaii News 

Black Lives Matter also in Hawaii: Demonstrations in Progress

Today thousands are currently on the streets in downtown Honolulu making their walk to the Hawaii Capitol  Building. Black lives matter was the message and one guy was wearing a white T-Shirt saying: "Stolen from Africa." Social distancing was forgotten, people had fun in the sun, but the demonstration went peaceful. The results may be in two weeks down the road, but today was a fun day for many in Honolulu.... Read More
Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News 

Restaurants and Shops open in Waikiki Open: Not really !

Effective today the city will allow restaurants and other foodservice businesses that abut city property to temporarily set up outdoor dining in an effort to assist eateries that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Today marks ten weeks since the state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. Yesterday, 1,394 people arrived in Hawaii. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers... Read More

Gyms, Theaters, Museums Bars to open June 19 on Oahu

Mayor Kirk Caldwell today announced that the City and County of Honolulu’s proposal to Governor David Ige have been approved to allow for the safe reopening of the following designated business and operations with limitations as outlined in the replacement Exhibit A of the Emergency Order No. 2020-15 (Amendment to Ho‘oulu i Honolulu 3.0), effective Friday, June 19: ·         Education and care facilities (private education, adult care, special needs care facilities),... Read More