Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Tourists to Hawaii Holding Steady

Yesterday, 2,668 people arrived in the Aloha State with tourists to Hawaii holding steady in the 500 range. During this same time last year approximately 35,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. Yesterday marked 15 weeks since the state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. This table shows the number of people who arrived by air from out of state... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Governor and Mayors Meet to Discuss COVID-19 Landscape

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 update of coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Thursday, July 9, 2020 in the Aloha State. The Governor and Mayors met to discuss the COVID-19 landscape. Office of the Governor: Governor Ige’s Statement on COVID-19 Planning with Mayors Governor David Ige released a statement Thursday about his recent meetings with the county mayors, saying, “The mayors and I met yesterday and are meeting again today... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

36 New Hawaii COVID-19 Cases

In the latest COVID-19 cases report from the Government of the Aloha State, 36 new Hawaii COVID-19 cases were reported bringing the total to 1,130. The newly-reported cases break down by island as: Hawaii Island     97 Oahu                     842 Kauai                    43 Maui                      130 Of those total cases, 840 were released from isolation and 123 required hospitalization, and 18 were residents diagnosed outside Hawaii.... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Week 15 Hawaii Air Arrivals Shows Dip

Today marks 15 weeks since the state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. Yesterday, Hawaii air arrivals  totaled 2,387 people - a decrease from yesterday of 298. During this same time last year approximately 35,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. This table shows the number of people who arrived by air from out of state yesterday and does not... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Restaurants and Bars with Red Placard: Do Not Enter!

There are now severe consequences for food establishments that do not take physical distancing and other guidance seriously. The Hawai‘i Department of Health’s Food Safety Branch will begin to temporarily suspend the operations of restaurants, bars and other food establishments that do not comply with physical distancing, wearing cloth face masks and other required guidance. “The department is taking these steps now to enforce preventive measures that are known to be... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News News for Visitors 

City Council urges Governor Ige to delay tourism opening

Opening the floodgates for tourism, specifically for visitors from California, Texas, Florida and Arizona would expose the population in Hawaii to the danger of widespread COVID-19 The nine-member City council unanimously approved a resolution requesting Governor Ige to delay opening the State's planned testing program not to take place after August 1 The testing program would allow travelers arriving from out of state to skip a requirement that they self-quarantine for... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 update of coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Wednesday, July 8, 2020 in the Aloha State. Department of Health: 23 New Cases of COVID-19 Reported Twenty-three (23) new cases of COVID-19 were reported by DOH Wednesday. Twenty (20) of those cases are on Oahu, one (1) on Hawai‘i Island, and two (2) on Maui. Community outreach and testing activities continue. Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of... Read More
Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Another Reason Why Hawaii Not Ready for Tourism

“We don’t want to scare the public. We still are able to address our testing needs currently in the state and plans are being made to increase our capacity. Unfortunately, this may cause the return of the results to be multiple days instead of the 24-hour turnaround.” These are the words of Dr. Scott Miscovich who leads the broad testing efforts in Hawaii in response to a major setback in COVID-19... Read More
Hawaii News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Creeping Up

Yesterday, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 2,685 people. During this same time last year approximately 35,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. The state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started on March 26 for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. This table shows the number of people who arrived by air from out of state yesterday and does not include interisland travel. This data was collected from the... Read More
Hawaii News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

23 New Hawaii COVID-19 Cases

In the latest COVID-19 cases report from the Government of the Aloha State, 23 new Hawaii COVID-19 cases were reported bringing the total to 1,094. The newly-reported cases break down by island as: Oahu                     808 Maui                      130 Hawaii Island       96 Kauai                     42 Of those total Hawaii COVID-19 cases, 811 were released from isolation and 122 required hospitalization representing 11%, and 980 (92%) were residents. Deaths remain at 19. CURRENT... Read More
Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

USS Arizona Memorial Begins Reopening Steps

Following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local public health authorities, Pearl Harbor National Memorial will resume access to the USS Arizona Memorial. The National Park Service (NPS) is working service-wide with federal, state, and local public health authorities to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and is using a phased approach to increase access on a park-by-park basis. Beginning July 10, Pearl... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Governor Says Highest COVID-19 Case Count Still Manageable

Hawaii daily update of coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Monday, July 15, 2020 in the Aloha State shows the highest COVID-19 case count to date. Office of the Governor: At a news briefing, Gov. David Ige said the 41 new COVID-19 cases reported by DOH Tuesday is still manageable. It is the highest case count since the pandemic began earlier this year. Gov. Ige said, “It is... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Hawaii News News for Visitors 

Honolulu Mayor Caldwell rings the alarm bell on tourism today

Today, Honolulu Mayor introduced a “Fish to Dish” program to support O‘ahu’s critical fisheries infrastructure. At the same time, today, 41 cases of community-spread cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus were reported in the State of Hawaii. 38 were recorded on the island of Oahu, 2 on Kauai, and 1 on the Big Island. The city of Honolulu was informed that the State of Hawaii did not have enough contact tracers working... Read More
Hawaii News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals: Biggest Tourist Number in Months

Yesterday, Hawaii Air Arrivals totaled 2,637 people. During this same time last year approximately 35,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. The state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started on March 26 for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. This table shows the number of people who arrived by air from out of state yesterday and does not include interisland travel. This data was collected from the... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii COVID-19 Update 3 Months In

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 update 3 months in of coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments are as of Monday, July 6, 2020 in the Aloha State. Governor’s Office: Hawai‘i Hits Milestone of Three Months Living with Restrictions Governor David Ige thanked Hawai‘i residents at a news briefing Monday on all of their efforts and sacrifices to keep Hawai‘i’s COVID-19 cases low. The State recently marked a milestone of living with restrictions... Read More