Hawaii Tourism News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Update for May 10

Yesterday, Sunday, May 10, 2020, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 854 people including 246 visitors and 334 residents. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. The state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started on March 26th for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. The quarantine order was expanded on April 1st to include interisland travelers. This table shows the number of... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: Friday, May 8, 2020

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Friday, May 8, 2020 in the Aloha State. Department of Health: No New Cases of COVID-19 Cases Reported For the first time since DOH began identifying new positive cases of COVID-19 in the state in late February, today the department reports no new cases. While this is clearly good news, DOH and State leaders caution that social distancing measures,... Read More
Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Honolulu Mahalo Video to First Responders and City Workers

The Honolulu Mayor's Office of Culture and the Arts (MOCA) created a mahalo video to all of the first responders and City employees who are serving the community during this time with hopes that it will serve as a reminder that, while not mandated, Oʻahu residents should wear face coverings in public places. Mahalo Video available at this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gdYm8vE5pmi1j_KiOqiSSsBIaqQ1Bf0J "It has been truly inspiring to see all of the first... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Update for May 7

Yesterday, Thursday, May 7, 2020, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 756 people including 239 visitors and 214 residents. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. Yesterday marked six weeks since the state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. The quarantine order was expanded on April 1st to include interisland travelers. This table shows the... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: Thursday, May 7, 2020

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Thursday, May 7, 2020 in the Aloha State. Governor’s Office: Governor & DLIR Director Provide Update on Unemployment Insurance Gov. Ige and Scott Murakami, Director of the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR), gave updates on progress being made regarding unemployment insurance, during today’s Community Connection Facebook Live. Murakami reported 141,077 claims were processed as of Wednesday, which... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Update for May 6

Today marks 6 weeks since the state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. Yesterday, Wednesday, May 6, 2020, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 669 people including 233 visitors and 189 residents. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. The quarantine order was expanded on April 1st to include interisland travelers. This table shows the... Read More
Hawaii News News for Visitors 

Restore Honolulu: You can go shopping again on May 15

HONOLULU  Mayor Kirk Caldwell announced today that certain designated businesses and operations in the City and County of Honolulu will be allowed to re-open on May 15, by following specific guidelines as detailed Emergency Order No. 2020-10. The Amended and Restated Stay at Home/Work from Home Order, now under the new name “Ho‘oulu i Honolulu” or “Restore Honolulu” Order, incorporates all prior Emergency Orders, including the wearing of non-medical grade face... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Wednesday, May 6, 2020 in the Aloha State. Governor’s Office: Greenlight for Phase One of Hawai‘i’s Re-Opening is Tomorrow Governor Ige announced yesterday the stabilization phase of the state’s reopening and economic recovery. This includes reductions in restrictions for businesses classified as low risk from a health perspective. Today the governor provided further clarification on the specifics of his... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Update for May 5

Yesterday, Tuesday, May 5, 2020, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 773 people including 216 visitors and 286 residents. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. The state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started on March 26 for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. The quarantine order was expanded on April 1 to include interisland travelers. This table shows the number of... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Update for May 4

Yesterday, Monday, May 4, 2020, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 845 people including 246 visitors and 310 residents. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. The state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started on March 26th for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. The quarantine order was expanded on April 1st to include interisland travelers. This table shows the number of... Read More
Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Mauna Lani Resort Among World’s Best New Hotels

Mauna Lani, Auberge Resorts Collection​ announced today their inclusion in the​ ​Condé Nast Traveler ​2020 “Hot List,” the magazine’s annual list composed of the best new hotels and resorts. The list highlights the top properties across the globe and reflects where travelers are dreaming to visit next - a sentiment that resonates now more than ever. “We are honored to be recognized by ​Condé Nast Traveler ​ as one of their... Read More
kamaainas Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News News for Visitors 

Hawaii Stay-at-Home Order Extension Affects Transportation

In response to Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s Hawaii stay-at-home order extension, tentatively ending on May 18, the City and County of Honolulu’s Department of Transportation Services will be continuing with the adjustments made during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parking Residents parking along South King, Beretania, Date Streets and Wilder Avenue, will still be allowed to park in “No Parking Tow Away Zones” during peak A.M. and P.M. hours (6:30-8:30 a.m. and 3:30-5:30... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Pacific Princess Cruise Ship back to Honolulu Harbor

The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) reported to the public that the Pacific Princess cruise ship is scheduled to arrive at Honolulu Harbor on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 7 a.m. and depart at approximately 2 p.m. the same day. There are no passengers on the ship and no crew members will disembark in Honolulu. The ship stopped in Honolulu on April 13 to allow four Oahu residents to return home... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: Monday, May 4, 2020

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Monday, May 4, 2020 in the Aloha State. Governor’s Office: Governor Ige Expresses Condolences for Family & Friends of 17th Victim Calling it “another reminder of how deadly this disease is, and the way that COVID-19 continues to hurt our community,” Governor Ige expressed his deepest condolences to the family and friends of the latest Hawai‘i resident to fall... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Update for May 3

Yesterday, Sunday, May 3, 2020, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 759 people including 228 visitors and 268 residents. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. The state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started on March 26th for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. The quarantine order was expanded on April 1st to include interisland travelers. This table shows the number of... Read More