Hawaii Families: Take Your Keiki in for Checkups

The Hawaiʻi State Department of Health (DOH) encourages parents and caregivers to resume regular, in-person checkups with their child’s doctor and other healthcare professionals. Children need well-child and dental visits, including screenings, dental checkups, and vaccinations. Regular checkups not only track development, but also identify any health problems earlier to avoid complications and more costly treatment.

“Many parents and caregivers are concerned about exposing their infants, young children and even themselves to COVID-19,” said Charlene Robles, supervisor of DOH’s Early Intervention Section. “The well-child visits campaign provides parents and caregivers with visual information about how doctors are creating a safe environment for their patients.” 

The campaign includes a television ad featuring a local family and local pediatricians, highlighting the safety and importance of in-person doctor office visits. The campaign also includes radio and digital ads, which run through early next year.

“We want families and children see their primary care clinicians. The well-child visit is an opportunity to assess health issues that may not have been addressed because of the pandemic,” said Jeffrey Okamoto, M.D., vice president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Hawaii Chapter. “We especially find that families appreciate the value of routine visits which sometimes lead to treatment for health conditions or detection of important issues such as hearing or vision problems.”

The AAP Hawaii Chapter, Hawaiʻi Department of Human Services, Your ʻOhana, and Hawaiʻi Children’s Action Network partnered with DOH to inform the public on this important recommendation. For more information on keiki healthcare resources, visit KeikiCheckup.com.

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