Photojournalist and Filmmaker Appointed Goodwill Ambassador and Recieves Golden Rule International Award
Catherine Bauknight was appointed Goodwill Ambassador and a recipient of the highly esteemed Golden Rule International Award for her documentary film, Hawaii A Voice For Sovereignty and her long history of humanitarian photojournalism. The Goodwill Ambassador Award and legal document will be submitted to the United Nations by Dr. Mussie Hailu, Founder and Board Chairman of the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiatives. Golden Rule International is affiliated with the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative Organization, Department of Public Information of the United Nations.
The award ceremony was opened by a chant and drumming of Kumu Mililani Young, from Oahu. The event was held at Americana Community Room in Glendale, CA. on Thursday February 22.
The Golden Rule International Award and her recognition as Goodwill Ambassador (Inter-Faith UN World Civility Golden Rule Ambassador), recognized by the United Nations., was presented by humanitarian Dr. Gershom Sikaala, author and Tonga Prince of Southern Africa of Zambia and Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers Founder and President of IChange Nations.
Catherine Bauknight, contributes to humanity through documentary filmmaker and photojournalism for those who have no voice. This includes photo essays in countries such as China, The Tiananmen Square Massacre, Ethiopia-Bad Water, Tuberculosis Epidemic in Peru, and Renaissance of the Catawba Indians in S.C. Bauknight says, “My work represents the culture of people, their story and the link to understanding humanity through the language of light.” She has recently documented the DACA “Dreamers” and is currently working with Mikilani Young to help raise awareness of the protection protest for Mauna Kea, in Pasadena, CA.
Al Harrington, of Member of the Elders Council, Honolulu, Educator, Actor and Philanthropist says, “Against adversity for the underdog is just an understatement. Catherine Bauknight gives a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves and keeps the story honest and transparent. She made it through in helping the Hawaiian people hear their own voice for their proclamation of sovereign rights and was able to capture the hearts and spirits of the Native Hawaiian people and their struggle to keep their homelands.”
On April 5th, 2018 the recognition of Bauknight as a recipient of the Golden Rule International award will become historically connected with the Golden Rule Day, officially recognized by the United Nations and celebrated around the world. The goal of raising awareness of the Golden Rule Day is to promote peace among nations regardless of religion or culture. Other recipients of the Golden Rule International include Presidents of countries promoting peace and respect for human kind, including Ethiopia, Mozambique, Ghana, Burundi, and Zambua.