Hawaii News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

First rat lungworm disease case in 2020 on Maui

The Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) has confirmed a case of rat lungworm disease (angiostrongyliasis) contracted on Maui. The individual is a resident of Maui and is the first person this year to test positive for angiostrongyliasis in Hawaii. In 2019, there were a total of 9 reported cases. The individual sought treatment and was hospitalized at Maui Memorial Medical Center. The investigation was not able to identify an exact source of infection.... Read More
Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Honolulu TheBus pass office to re-open on May 20

The City and County of Honolulu will be re-opening TheBus pass office at the Kalihi Transit Center on Wednesday, May 20, from a temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The re-opening will be for Disability Bus Pass processing only, allowing Disability Card holders to renew their passes before June 1. New disability applications will also be processed. TheBus pass office hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday... Read More
Hawaii News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Update for May 14

Yesterday, Thursday, May 14, 2020, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 858 people including 252 visitors and 318 residents. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. Yesterday marked seven weeks since the state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. The quarantine order was expanded on April 1st to include interisland travelers. This table shows the... Read More
Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Lanikai Beach No Parking Remains in Effect

The City and County of Honolulu's Department of Transportation Services (DTS) will extend the restriction of Lanikai Beach no parking until June 30 in an effort to restrict non-essential gatherings along the Lanikai-Kaʻōhao shoreline. This extension is concurrent with Mayor Caldwell’s stay-at-home order extending out until June 30. Lanikai Beach no parking will not be allowed on street and shoulders, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. DTS has placed... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Thursday, May 14, 2020 in the Aloha State. Governor’s Office: Governor Watches National Guard Salute to Hawai‘i’s Healthcare Heroes For a few minutes today, Gov. David Ige took a break from the endless meetings, conference calls, and administrative work associated with the state’s management of the COVID-19 crisis, to join others around the state in recognizing the sacrifices of... Read More
Hawaii News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Sound Off for National Maritime Day

The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) advises the public of National Maritime Day activities planned for Monday, May 18, through Friday, May 22. This day commemorates the first successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean with steam propulsion on May 22, 1819. Maritime Day also serves as a reminder of the importance of harbors and the maritime industry, especially for the State of Hawaii. In consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic and the... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Update for May 13

Today marks seven weeks since the state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. Yesterday, Wednesday, May 13, 2020, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 881 people including 246 visitors and 329 residents. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. The quarantine order was expanded on April 1st to include interisland travelers. This table shows the... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Waikiki may welcome visitors back in July

Today, Mayor Kirk Caldwell announced an extension of the Stay-at-Home order until June 30, but it was renamed to "Restore Honolulu." Parks and some retail stores are opening as of May 16, and the Mayor is planning to send a recommendation to the Governor on how to open restaurants starting June 5 allowing outside dining on sidewalks during extended day times, including the consumption of liquor. Restaurants with indoor dining should... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Wednesday, May 13, 2020 in the Aloha State. Governor’s Office: Safer-at-Home Means Keeping the Curve Flat This is the second week since Governor Ige issued the Safer-At-Home order and at an afternoon media briefing he said he is pleased the cases reported today continue to remain low. With only three new cases today, Hawai‘I is one of the safest... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Update for May 12

Yesterday, Tuesday, May 12, 2020, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 852 people including 264 visitors and 321 residents. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. The state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started on March 26th for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. The quarantine order was expanded on April 1st to include interisland travelers. This table shows the number of... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Tuesday, May 12, 2020 in the Aloha State. Department of Health: One New Case of COVID-19 There is one (1) new case reported today by the DOH. This is an out-of-state resident who was screened at the airport and subsequently tested positive. Complacency is a serious concern as reports of fewer cases inadvertently signals less urgency. Informal gatherings are being... Read More
Hawaii News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Air Arrivals Update for May 11

Yesterday, Monday, May 11, 2020, Hawaii air arrivals totaled 893 people including 286 visitors and 339 residents. During this same time last year, nearly 30,000 passengers arrived in Hawaii daily, including residents and visitors. The state’s mandatory 14-day self-quarantine started on March 26th for all passengers arriving in Hawaii from out of state. The quarantine order was expanded on April 1st to include interisland travelers. This table shows the number of... Read More
Hawaii News Global news for Hawaii Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Vacation Rentals Performing Better Than Hotels

Hawaii’s hotels were 44.5 percent occupied in March 2020 while vacation rentals were at 64 percent. It is important to note that unlike hotels, condominium hotels, and timeshare resorts, Hawaii vacation rentals are not necessarily available year-round or each day of the month. The total monthly supply of statewide vacation rentals was 871,500 unit nights and monthly demand was 557,400 unit nights. The unit average daily rate (ADR) for vacation rental... Read More
Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Vendor Food: If the Placard’s Green it’s Clean

The Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) is reminding the public to check for the official Green “Passed” Placard before purchasing Hawaii vendor food especially from online or roadside vendors that have never been inspected or licensed by the state health officials. Individuals selling prepared foods without a food safety permit put the public at risk of food-related illness and foodborne disease outbreaks. It is illegal to sell perishable foods without state... Read More
Global news for Hawaii Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 Update: Monday, May 11, 2020

Hawaii Daily COVID-19 coronavirus reports and statistics from government departments as of Monday, May 11, 2020 in the Aloha State. Governor’s Office: Don’t Congregate, No Big-Groups, Masks in Public – Governor Reminds At a Monday afternoon news briefing Governor David Ige again asked everyone to remain vigilant in order to stay on the right track. He commented, “We’ll lose all of our progress and the sacrifices you’ve all made if we... Read More