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Hawaii News Global news for Hawaii 

Tracing the virus in Hawaii? A show or for real?

Two ballrooms on the 4th floor of the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu are now converted into a control room for contact tracers. Existing tracer training in conjunction with the UH John H. Burns School of Medicine now includes 50 Hawai‘i National Guard members who are working at HCC.  Another ballroom with work stations, phones, and computers is set up to accommodate an additional 50 personnel. According to Governor Ige, a significant... Read More

Where are Hawaii’s Tourism leaders when 1.5 million lives depend on them?

The travel and tourism industry in the State of Hawaii was smashed against a brick wall in March when Coronavirus broke out. Gradually since March 30,000 daily air arrivals went down to 1,000 and visitors have to observe a strict 14-day quarantine rule. A Hawaii vacation would mean 14 day inside a hotel room. Hawaii went into a lockdown and the curve was flattened, making Hawaii the US State with the... Read More
Hawaii News 

Stay at Home Order in Hawaii imminent?

Governor David Ige and Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell met at length today and agreed that additional targeted restrictions will be needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on Oahu. We anticipate an announcement, with details, this week. This was a statement released earlier today. Over the weekend, Lt. Gov. Josh Green said passing the 3,000-mark threshold for active cases would be justification for another “stay-at-home” order on Oahu. Hospitalization in Hawaii... Read More

Nonedited perspective on a dire situation in Hawaii

View Post The State of Hawaii reported 284 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, Almost all cased were on Oahu, except seven in Maui County, one on Hawaii island and one on Kauai. The continued high case count in Hawaii comes when 126 inmates have now tested positive for COVID-19 at the Oahu Community Corrections Center. US Representative from Hawaii is giving an non-edited and eyeopening perspective to the reality of the... Read More
Hawaii News kamaainas 

LGBT Caucus Hawaii endorses Kai Kahele for US Congress

“It is with great pride and honor that I announce that the LGBT Caucus of the Democratic Party of Hawaii, Hawaii’s largest and oldest LGBTQIA+ political organization, has voted unanimously to endorse Kai Kahele’s congressional campaign.” said Michael Golojuch Jr chair of the LGBT Caucus, “The battle in the state of Hawaii to keep the US House Representatives in the Democrats hands begins with the election of Kai Kahele for the... Read More
DaleEvans, Charley's Taxi Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News News for Visitors 

Dale Evans of Charley’s Taxi had enough: Listen to her podcast interview

Hawaii politics has no consequence for stupidity, to quote from Dr. Peter Tarlow from SaferTourism. Chaos is ruling Hawaii. Elected officials like U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the Hawaii Tourism Authority, and Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau (HVCB) are running away from COVID-19. They are not responding and are directing frustrated callers to full voicemail systems.  The CEO of the Hawaii Tourism Authority retired early and is escaping to Colorado. Today, Hawaii... Read More
Hawaii News Hawaii Tourism News 

Why tracing COVID-19 is a big lie in Hawaii

The Hawaii Employees Association (HGEA) has filed a grievance on behalf of all affected Department of Health employees who are/were required to perform COVID-19 contact tracing, field swabbing, and outreach response duties. This complaint was filed yesterday (August 10). The issue of the DOH being unable to adequately contact trace is now abundantly clear after State Senators on the COVID-19 committee visited the DOH on Friday to find very few contact... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Hawaii News kamaainas 

Mayor Caldwell: Honolulu could become another New York in COVID-19 outbreak

Honolulu Mayor Caldwell warns that more people could be dying, and Honolulu could become like New York. Today, Hawaii recorded 140 new cases and 3 new dead because of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Clusters are reported from Honolulu. Mayor Caldwell said: "We the people of this beautiful but fragile island need to come together. We need to save u,s each of us, our loved ones, and yes, also to save our economy.... Read More

Beat me up! Why wearing a mask in Waikiki? 147 new COVID cases on Oahu

Sunday records 147 new cases of Coronavirus on the Island of Oahu, 1 in Maui, 1 in Kauai, and 3 on the Big Island of Hawaii. Tourists still ignore the mandate by Honolulu major Kirk Caldwell to wear a mas, according to a security guard for the International Market Place in Waikiki. Military members and their families had been arriving in Hawaii in the hundreds every day without quarantine requirements, while... Read More
Hawaii News kamaainas 

Oahu’s Act With Care Order Approved

Mayor Kirk Caldwell today announced that Governor David Ige has approved the City and County of Honolulu’s amended order that restricts certain businesses and operations in an effort to further discourage social gatherings on O‘ahu. The “Act With Care – Do Not Gather” Order is effective Saturday, August 8, 2020, at 12 a.m., and will continue through 11:59 p.m. on September 4. This Order is issued in light of a resurgence... Read More
Hawaii News kamaainas News for Visitors 

Record new COVID-19 cases on Oahu: Drastic rules implemented

An alarming number of positive cases about 200 today is the reality in the State of Hawaii. Based on percentage Hawaii moved from the lowest number in the case increased to one of the highest in the United States. Dr. Anderson said, the State can expect 500 and more cases a day soon. It's a dire situation. It may be catastrophic- and it seems to be the course Hawaii is going.... Read More
Hawaii News 

Interisland Travel: No more without quarantine after Tuesday

Hawaii Governor David Ige announced that the mandatory 14-day quarantine for anyone traveling interisland will be reinstituted effective next Tuesday, August 11. The governor said that he and all the county mayors agree that additional measures are necessary to make sure that cases do not spread, uncontrolled, across the entire state. “I know many of you will be disappointed to hear this news. Interisland travel is an important way for families... Read More
Hawaii Tourism News Hawaii News 

Mayor Caldwell: Closing bars and open for solutions

"It's not one of the best days for the City and County of Honolulu. We did show the world what we can do when we flattened the curve to zero. We can get there again." These are the words of Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell today. Yesterday, Oahu had 98 new cases, today the County registered 120 new cases of COVID-19 infections. An additional 4 cases were registered on neighbor islands. Tonight... Read More
Hawaii News 

Honolulu Mayor Caldwell wants to set triggers for more restrictions

With 98 new COVID-19 cases on Oahu alone, Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell must have been frustrated today. "We're at a real crossroads," he said at a press conference this afternoon. "Don't ask what the government can do for you, see what you can do." He made clear that Honolulu once again needs to flatten the curve, and his solution was to push Governor Ige for a mandate to require face masks... Read More